I like my husband. He is warm and kind. When I come home from work at the end of the day he smiles at me, gives me hugs and kisses and says "Tell me all the stories." At night when I can't fall asleep he holds me until I am warm enough to sleep. I like how his hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard stubble accent his face. One of my favorite things to do together is to take a walk around the block before bedtime. Also, I like it when we read to each other. Vico likes to sweep the floor. Last night we were trying to pick out a ring tone on my phone to set as the alarm for the morning. As we were listening to the different sounds we found a couple of old voice clips that he sent me from his phone when we were dating. At that time I was taking night classes so we sometimes would go a day or two without seeing each other. The voice clips were saying that he loved me and good night and that he would see me tomorrow. I liked hearing those last night and remembering how Vico has always been so soft and sweet. I love him.
1 week ago
oh, you sweeties!